Thursday, September 9, 2010

9 September 2010

Happy birthday my best friend,
Amazing times, we always spend.
Laughter and jokes are common place,
Since we built that solid base.

Special friend that I hold dear,
Always wish to have you near.
We get along, like bread with honey,
A friendship worth, much more than money.

If you stumble, count me there,
Gratitude; no need to declare.
Your thoughts are clear, in my mind,
Understanding we always find.

Happy birthday my best friend,
I’m excited to attend.
This birthday poem, is just for you,
A great big smile is overdue.
by Martin Dejnicki

Hari ini, ulang tahun Camelia Pondra Dewantarie binti dr. Kiswono Basuki yg ke-17. Akhirnya, setelah susah punya ktp, dan atm yg berujung pada kekesalan pas DL terakhir yg ujung2nya happy lagi gara2 ke Happy Puppy, Meli secara sah bisa punya ktp, atm, mau pun sim. She's one of my two closest friends ;-) hal terakhir yg aku inget, Meli agak gak ridho sm cowok gue yg terakhir, dan kita sempat agak slack gitu gara2 Meli bete aku ngomongin si itu trs, hahaha. Saat itu aku mikir ih knp sih Meli jahat sm aku, si itu kan baik, namanya juga insting sahabat, akhirnya gue nemuin jg knp Meli ga ridhoooo, hehehe. Maafin aku ya, Mel. Next time aku bakalan lebih nurut :")
Once again, Happy Birthday Camelia Pondra Dewantarie ♥ , semoga makin ditambah segala yg baik2 sama Allah SWT, dimudahkan jalan pendidikan jd dokternya, berguna bagi orang tua, teman, bangsa, dan agama. Amin.
I love you from my deepest heart ;-)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bulan Puasa

Ngga kerasa banget, tiba2 udah mulai hari pertama bulan puasa ya, selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa bagi yg menjalankan, mudah2an amal ibadah kita bulan ini diterima Allah SWT, amin ya rabbal alamin.

Ngomong2 bulan puasa, hal yg paling gue kangenin adalah puasa di TN :") di sana puasa ngga berasa banget. Jam pelajaran dipadetin, belom lagi gue yg gampang banget tidur kalo kena bantal di graha, hehe.

Dimulai dari sahur, halah gila itu dinginnya Magelang jam 3 sampe jam 4 pagian, jalan ke rkb menggigil, ngantuk gila deh. Apalagi pas msh kls 1, msh pdk, stres kali ye masih ngantuk2 msh hrs respek, nata meja. Ya, paling enak pas kelas 3 lah.. Sahur makan suka2, adeknya sibuk enek minum susu bantal, gue malah ngotak2in susunya bahahaha. Ya bayangin aja deh jam segitu suruh minum susu bantal huek apalagi rasa sereal -___-" abis itu lanjut ke masjid, ada tadarus, kls 1 rajin, kls 2 lumayan, kls 3 subuh di graha trs lanjut bobok :p

Terus selama kbm, hehe ini mah bulan puasa = bulan ngantuk. Hobi gue bobok di kelas pas sosiologi Pak Bes apa ngga ekonomi Pak Maulana, hihi. Enak banget jam pelajaran cuma 30 menit :O abis itu pulang... TIDURLAH!! Apa ngga telfonan apa ngga ngenet hihi.

Bangun tidur udh jam 5, solat ashar trs cabs ke masjid, buat makan takjil sm solat magrib jamaah, trs ke rkb buat buka. Ih gila ya precious moments banget buat gue puasa di TN, trs jalan rame2 ke masjid lagi abis buka puasa, tarawih! Ini dia saat2 dimana ada yg solat hampir ketiduran ngobrol2 ngakak2 juga ada parah ya, hehe tp pas kelas 3 bawa buku ke masjid, hehe :D

Ah gila, pokoknya gue kangen banget sama TN :______(

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


What’s your name? Pinkadela Mashitta
Do you still attend school? graduated a month ago. And i miss my high school
How tall are you? around 159
Do you wish you were taller or shorter? taller of course
Do you wear glasses/contacts? yes
What color is your hair? black
What color are your eyes? black

Non-alcoholic drink? mineral water, avocado juice, TEA!
Food? carbonara
Genre of music? easy listening
Band? maliq n the essetials
Singer? tompi, alicia keys, beyonce, rihanna
Movie? A Beatiful Mind, The Proposal, Last Samurai, Pearl Harbour
Actor? Taylor Lautner!
Television show? jarang nonton tv
Current song? Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
School project you’ve done? apaan ya? haha
Place to be? Bali.
Book? Chicken Soup, Harry Potter series, Meg Cabot's, Ika Natassa's
Person to be with? Pacarrr ;p
Flower? peach rose hmm?
Website? many
Ice cream flavor? vanilla
Pizza topping? american favorite
Country? indonesia
Language? Bahasa and English, and.. Japanese? Wohoo
School subject? Sociology
Moment in History? many

This or That
Eat or drink? eat
Watch a movie or T.V.? movie
Books or magazines? books
Color or black & white films? color
Cell phone or camera? cell phone
Rock or Rap? tidak keduanya
Alternative or Indie? indie
Rap or hip-hop? hiphop
Screamo or metal? tidak keduanya
Guitar or bass? bass
Drums or Piano? drums!
Water or soda? water
Pizza or hamburgers? pizza
Love or money? love :|
God or the Buddha? Allah SWT
Meat or vegetables? meat
Life or death? life.

What’s your favorite genre of music? rnb, jazz soul
If you could play any instrument, which would you chose? harp!
Would say music is an important part of your life? kinda
Have you ever seen your favorite band/singer in concert? yep
If so, did you get to meet them after the show? nope
Have you ever been to a concert? How many? not much. i’m not a concert geek
Do you play any intruments? not really
Last song you listened to: i dont know why - moony
Does this song have any meaning to you? yes :""(

Last movie you watched: the proposal
Did you think this movie was good? yes i like it
Did it make you laugh at all? yes
Favorite quote from a movie: "hakunamatata - lion king" hehe
Does this quote have any meaning to you? not really.
If you had to be in a movie, what would the movie be about? romantic comedy
Favorite movie character? Rose Dawson

Who is your best friend? Vierna and Meli
Do you trust this person a 100%? yes.
Do you have a lot of friends, do you think that matters? yes.

Do you still live with your parents? yes

Do you have any siblings, what are their names? Kevin

Were you adopted? no
Are you a twin? no
Do your parents/guardians like all of your friends? sometimes
Do your friends like your parents? some of them

What is your current relationship status? in a relationship
Are you happy about that? yes
Do you need a significant other to be happy? kinda
Have you ever been in love? of course
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
Have you ever been kissed? yes
Do you want to get married? yes, someday, maybe in 7 years haha
Do you like to keep your personal life private or spread it all around? private
Have you ever had a broken heart? humanly, yes

What is your favorite food? carbonara
Favorite Italian dish: carbonara
Favorite Mexican dish: nachos
Do you like Chinese food? yes
Hot or ice tea? ice tea
What is one thing you refuse to drink? nothing, ingus kali gamau hehe
You refuse to eat? pork
Best thing you’ve ever eaten: LLC's hotstone, sirloin with garlic sauce :O

What are some of your interests? having fun with my friends
The person you have the most in common with: no one
What do you like to do when your bored? checking my blackberry
Are you a fast typer? YES
What is the weather like today? Are you enjoying it? sunny, not really
Are you excited for summer or would you rather be in school? kinda
Do you have a job? What is it? no, im a college student (to be, in 2 weeks)
What are your plans for the future? wanita karir
Do you believe Barack Obama will change things? yes
What type of mood are you in today? biasa saja
What do you plan on doing after this survey? eating
Do you like the movie “Finding Nemo”? just keep swimming :D
Do you make jewelry? no.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

To Be Continued

Meli got accepted in UGM Intermed. She's going to be a doctor in (insyaAllah) 4 years ya baby? I'm really happy. Thanks God, so we can continue our story in Jogja. I ♥ you, Babies :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Vanilla Pancake with Strawberry Ice Cream

Dari gue kecil gue suka banget makan pancake, buatan opung gue. Tapi setelah gue gede bisa beda2in, bedanya pancake opung gue sama yg di breakfast di hotel2 itu ketebalannya. Buatan opung gue tuh yg bisa digulung2 diisi macem2 topping, sedangkan yg di hotel2 kebanyakan tebel trs pake mapple syrup, yah American Style gitu. Dua2nya gue suka sih, tapi kalo yg tebel agak eneg sebenernya. Btw, kemaren malem gue nonton Nigella di AFC, akhirnya gue memutuskan buat bikinin adek gue sarapan pancake --> tapi resep Nigella gue modif ya ;-)
Bahan Pancake :
- 170 gr tepung terigu
- 250 ml susu cair
- 2 sdt gula
- 2 sdt vanilla essence
- 1 butir telur
- 2 sdm mentega
- 2 sdt baking powder
Cara :
1. Campur bahan-bahan kering di satu bowl besar (tepung terigu, gula, baking powder) aduk rata. Sambil lelehkan mentega (bisa di pan, bisa di microwave)
2. Masukkan bahan-bahan basah ke bowl (susu, telur, vanilla essence, mentega cair) aduk merata.
3. Panaskan pan khusus pancakes (biasanya pan untuk telur mata sapi) agar bentuk pancake tebal dan bagus. Beri sedikit mentega untuk menggoreng pancake.
4. Goreng pancake sampai kecokelatan dengan panas sedang agar pancake matang merata. Sajikan bersama ice cream dan saus strawberry.
Bahan Ice Cream :
- 1 pack whipping cream/cream biasa
- 1 kaleng susu kental manis
- Strawberry essence
Cara :
1. Siapkan bowl besar. Masukkan 1 pack cream, masukkan juga 1 kaleng susu kental manis.
2. Kocok cream dengan susu kental manis dengan kecepatan tinggi.
3. Setelah mengembang, tambahkan strawberry essence. Kocok lg hingga merata dgn kecepatan sedang.
4. Masukkan ke wadah bertutup. Masukkan ke dalam freezer sampai membeku.
(Thanks to Nila Layla & Vierna for the ice cream recipe ♥)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Daily Needs

Hey my lil tarcius Vierna, aku jadi terinspirasi kamu buat nyeritain soal daily needs aku. Kenapa daily needs? Soalnya ini 'hal2' yg aku butuhin sehari2 selayaknya mandi, makan, minum air putih, make deodorant, hehe. Kalo ngga ada, bakalan ada yg kurang, kayak sekarang :-( tapi aku ngga panjang lebar jelasinnya cuma...

Nama : Vierna Tasya Wensatama (Vierna) & Camelia Pondra Dewantarie (Meli)
Ket : Secara fisik warna kulit hampir sama, umur juga mereka sama karena anak aksel waktu SMP jd agak dimaklumi kadang2 childishnya nggilani, aku sbg yg paling dewasa hanya bisa mengayomi. Mereka jago bhs. Inggris, kami bertiga sering taruhan nilai TO bhs. Inggris yg paling tinggi yg menang nraktir es krim, hal ini menguntungkan aku sm Meli sbnrnya, karena sampe UAN pun Vierna tetep yg tertinggi, dan aku sm Meli sama!! Kita punya banyak kesamaan, salah satunya adalah suka sesak nafas, sama2 mengidap asma tapi aku udh sembuh jarang kambuh, kalo Meli paling malu2in kambuh pas UAN -__- Vierna juga kambuh pas kepedesan makan SS. Tapi aku ngga malu kok temenan sm mereka. Meli senjatanya ventolin, aku nebulizer, Vierna nasonex. Gara2 mereka jg akhirnya aku suka pedes. Di SS kita suka mesen sambel belut, mereka berdua suka iso tapi aku ngga. Kita juga suka mesen mie indri, pake nasi tapi Meli ngga suka. Kadang2 pake cabe rawit yg digunting2 (sadis), cabe rawitnya Vierna yg nyolong dr kantin.
Kalian daily needs aku, kebutuhan sehari2ku, kaya aku make deodorant, makasih ya ♥
Sekian cerita kami, 3 tahun di TN bareng masih kurang, karena insyaAllah kami bakal ngelanjutin episode ini di Program Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada Jogjakarta. Buat Meli, jangan takut malpraktek saat jd dokter karena insyaAllah ada dua pengacara siap membela. Amin yarabbalamin...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hari-hari terakhir di TN dilalui dengan ya begitulah.. Hahaha. Setelah diumumkan sama Pak Djuwari, kepala sekolah kami bahwa Atmosphere, Angkatan 18 SMA Taruna Nusantara lulus 100%, euforia itu segera berakhir, mengingat kelanjutan studi. Gue sendiri... Got accepted both in IUP Law UGM and Accounting Undip, but still waiting for May 15th. Tiba2 nyokap bilang, kalo UInya dapet ambil ya, Ka! Preet! Soal SIMAK susah bangetttt gue ngga bisa ngerjain keliatannya -__-
Kegiatan tinggal latihan Prasetya Alumni, ke kantin ya begitulah.. Gue benci, gue ngga suka, gue ngga cocok hidup di sekolah ini, yes I said that words for almost 3 years, but in the end, I hate to tell you this, but I start to miss my highschool life... The activities, the class, the mates, the... Teachers *LOL

Friday, April 2, 2010


1. Bubur Ketan Item
2. Pepes Tahu

3. Beard Papa

4. Rock n Roll - Sushi Groove
I'm dying for those foods! :"( This jail is sucks. The temperature is bad, the food is bad, the condition is bad!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Third Grader Life

Semua berjalan normal. Uji coba. Try out. Berkali-kali. Begadang. Ngantuk. Papan pengumuman nilai. Ranking.

Just hoping for the best. Amin.

Btw, got accepted at International Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Law UGM, Jogja.
But I still. Want. That. Yellow. Jacket. *sigh

Btw, btw, it's H-2 National Final Exam!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Class

Jarang banget rasanya ngomongin ttg kelas gue yg skrg, XII IS 1, karena pada awalnya gue masih kebayang2 serunya kelas gue pas kelas XI, Transformers. Sedih banget gue awalnya ngga sekelas lagi sm Transformers, yg the best class I've ever had dah. Rasanya kompak banget, dibanding wkt kelas X. Mungkin karena udh penjurusan jadi typical anak2nya sama ya ;-) Sosial, oh sosial!

Rasanya masih agak kaku dan canggung aja, soalnya kelas XII IS 1, kan udh campuran sm XI IS 2 yg dulu. Jalan sebulan dua bulan gue masih kebayang2 Transformers, tapi sekarang, gue ngerasa nyamaaaaan banget juga kok di sini :)

Wali kelas gue baik banget namanya Bu IGA. Orang Bali, orangnya baik, lembut gitu deh. Jelas beda sm dua wali kelas gue sebelumnya, oops! Hehe.

Karakteristik kelasnya ya ngga jauh beda sih ya, namanya jg anak IPS, tapi gue kurang suka dgn labelling bahwa anak IPS itu anak2 yg ngga mampu di IPA, plis tolong kalimat ngga mampunya bisa kan diganti dgn lebih memiliki kemampuan di fak IPS? Ya kan? Dan "kami" itu adalah sekelompok orang yg amat nyantai yg menurut gue sangat kompak! ;-) Kelasnya ceria, heboh, ya kadang agak ribut dan anarkis sih ;P

Jujur aja nih ya, gue kecewa beraaaat bgt waktu penjurusan kelas 1, yg sebenarnya sih gue ga pantes kecewa jg mengingat keadaan gue yg kelas 1 bener2 ngga mau belajar, kerjanya baca buku Radikus Makan Kakus pas mau UH, jadi ya itu gara2 gue sendiri sih :P Tapi, masalahnya, gue itu pengen jadi dokter gigi T___T sedih ah kalo inget! Plus, cowok gue juga IPA huhuhuhuhu ;'(

Ngga papa! Haha yg jelas gue bahagia di IPS, insyaAllah tetep sm prinsip Yoga Aprianto, temen sekelas gue pas di Transformers,

"Pokoknya kita harus nunjukin kalo kelas IPS itu enak, pas anak2 IPA berangkat her, kita lagi tidur2an di graha!"

Gaya dia ngomong persis orang orasi :P Peace, Ga! Btw, salah satu pembuktian 'kehebatan' kami itu waktu Lomba Cerdas Cermat Bela Negara yg diadain kalo ngga salah Dephan. Pesertanya itu XI IA 1 gabung X-1, XI IA 2 gabung X-2, dst, dan kebetulan XI IS 1 gabung X-9.
Jadi lombanya itu pertarungan antar kelas ya, 8 kelas IPA dan 2 kelas IPS (Kasian kan cuma dua kelas). Yg maju buat jadi tim jubir adalah gue - Yoga - Andhira. Dan pemenang alias Juara 1 LCCBN itu adalah kelas gue tercinta a.k.a Transformers, yg catet ya, kelas IPS ;-)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

They Made Me Live

Me, Daddy, Mommy @ HK

I miss them a lot. Like children miss their blanket ♥

Thursday, November 19, 2009


"Aku di mata kamu kayak apa sih?"

... Kamu, bisa jadi adek, kakak, ibu, sahabat, pacar, bisa sekaligus jadi musuh.
Kamu, bisa dewasa dan nyenengin banget, tapi bisa jadi ngeselin banget juga.

Dalem hati, "Oh, jadi itu aku ya!" ;-)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My life is still static.

There's no special things or events (for me). Even there was a Pandatara, once in two years cultural events, with a beauty-pageant-to-be called Miss Panda (sounds like Hello Panda). Oh well, this year, we found Miss Panda with her Mas Panda. It means nothing for me. HAHA. The unusual things it was just the food and the daily activities. YEAH! There was no school. Woke up at 8. Took a long-time bath. There was no uniform. Hell yeah! Sate Padang for late-breakfast or can I call it brunch? Ayam Kosek for the lunch, and sleep from 5 PM until dinner. In the day two, there was a fireworks, yeah there was a little problem, the fireworks was melempem, LOL. Watched it w/ Yohan, a very unromantic moment HAHA, but Monic and Hanny tried to hide us hahaha. And then, yeah it was November, 14. Adeline told her mother to bought a cake. Then we made a surprise for Angie. Brought a cake, and sang Happy Birthday, me, Nadia, Vierna, Nila, Hanny, Monic, Adeline, Yohan, Randika, Ravega, and ofcourse Budhita, under the fireworks ;-)

Second is TN Cup. Again, it means nothing for me. HAHA. I'm not an athlete. Last year, I was an event section of TN Cup committee. This year, I'm a 12th grader. Focusing to study (yeah whatta great thing!). The unsual thing is, the food. Again. Sate Madura, Martabak, Mr. Burger. Yeah buying food since Pandatara is just like burning the money. Geez.

Btw, November, 9 was my daddy's birthday, he's 44 now. And the next at November, 19 will be my mommy's birthday, she'll be 41. And I just can't believe it. My mommy is like 36 for... Ever! Hahaha :-D

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I Need These Perfect Combination

Price(s) = Jogja
Comfy Bed = SMA TN Magelang (you should trust me, my dorm's bed is the most comfortable bed in the whole world!)
Temperature = Tembagapura
Ambience = Bali
Hang-out Place = Jakarta

whatta perfect life!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Strawberry Meringue

Yesterday i was in the mood for cooking so, after a long search in the internet (i need more than 3 recipes, and i made a new combination by myself), i decided to make a... Meringue! Childhood cookies (can i call Meringue, cookies?) LOL. It was sooo easy :) but too tired to held the mixer by myself, so my Mommy did it :)

Ingredients :
- 4 egg whites
-200 gr sugar
-1 tablespoon vinegar
-1 tablespoon strawberry essences (this is optional, it's all up to you, you can change it with coffee, chocolate, lime, or vanilla)

How To Make :
-Preheat oven to 275 degrees.
-Place egg whites in a glass bowl. Beat egg whites until foamy (make sure it's really foamy). Add the vinegar, then whisk with an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks are formed. Add the sugar one tablespoon at a time, beating at high speed between each addition. Whisk until egg whites are stiff and glossy.-Spoon meringue mixture into a metal pan.

-Bake in the oven for 1 hour. Switch off oven but leave meringue in oven to dry (ini penting keliatannya emg msh lembek, tapi dia akan makin keras & crunchie pas dibiarin di suhu ruang, karena kalo tetep dioven dgn temperatur segitu bisa gosong)about 2-3 hours. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.Sometimes, it's still chewy inside, but's that's fine and my brother likes it :)

Awalnya gue bingung cuka buat apa, ternyata... Buat ngilangin amisnya telor :) Jadi cukanya perlu!