Thursday, May 7, 2009

tag tag tag!

tag dari nadiaaa :) aku kerjain yaa nad mumpung lagi recovery abis hulubalang :D

>what is your current obsession?
menyelesaikan masalah, tanpa masalah! haha hidup tenang deh :)

>what is your weirdest obsession?
kerja di gedung berlantai puluhan, bersepatu pumps manolo blahnik, bergaji dollar, berambut panjang digital wave, berapartemen nyaman, berpacar ganteng (ngga deng, bercanda)

>what are you wearing today?
kaos we ♥ XVIII + boxer garis2 merah putih yg samaan sama indri

>what’s for dinner today?
dinner? mm, berangkat ngga ya? haha

>makeup kit you cant live without? toner, morning moisturiser, sunblock, powder from erHa, nivea + mango bodyshop lipbalm :)

>what would you like to learn to do?
how to act like an 'alim' girl, sucks

>what’s the last thing you bought?
es teh di warung waktu hulubalang bareng monic pake duit andhika, yg disuruh buang sama pak karno, dan disuruh ngantongin sm bu nelly sampe olympus gue berenang es teh dalem kantong!

>what are you listening to right now?

>what is your favorite weather?
same with vier, rainy :)

>what is your most challenging goal right now?
maju balairung for shut those mouths, may I? -__-

>what do you think about the person who tagged you?
ah aku sayang nadia, hehe temen aku dr kelas satuuuu

>if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?Where?
LAS VEGAS, babyyyy!

>what would you like to have in your hands right now?
nasi kantin yg dibeliin yohaaaaaan

>what would you like to get rid of?
mm, kesialan gue? ngahaha

>if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
tembagapura, mamaaaa!

>which language do you want to learn?
japanese? huahaha

>what do you look for in a friend?
tau gue banget, gue susah temenan sm org yg ngga tau gue karena first impression org liat gue bisa ngira gue parah super special error, tapi mereka ngga tau kenapa kadang2 gue bodoh dan ngga tau jalan pikiran gue sebenernya *sigh* sama orang yg PERCAYA SAMA GUE

>who do you want to meet in person?

>what’s your favorite type of music?
mellow, easy listening

>what’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
skinnies, floral dress (ihihi yg dipake di Bali ituuu), shirts, my sweaters (di tembagapuraaa)

>what is your dream job?
istri orang kaya (ups, bukan job yaaa), haha pialang saham tajir ngehehe

>any favorite models?
Pinkadela Mashitta? hihi

>if you had £100 now what would you spend it on?

>favorite designer?
marc jacobs *liat di majalah booo beli belum kuat haha*

>fashion pet peeve?
bellbottom pants, sampe tu celana udah musim lagi gue ngga mau haha

>do you admire anyone’s style?

>describe your personal style?
atasan yg menyamarkan kegendutan aku, kaos kegedean sama skinny ato shorts

>last fashion magazine you read?
apaan yee lebih suka tabloid gosip haha :D

aku tag.... karina sama sari :) :)

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